
5 Ways You Can Choose to Value People and Planet in Your Fashion Business

Fashion Revolution Week is about highlighting the need for greater transparency, social and environmental responsibility, and fair working conditions in fashion. With our choices, we can shape a better future with our design, manufacturing, and purchases. Here are five choices you can make in your fashion business to start building a better future for fashion.

What to Check on a Factory Sample

There it is: your design! It looks just how you envisioned it. You need to evaluate the sample and approve it for production. Here are all the things you should check on your samples to make sure the production order doesn’t disappoint.

Paper vs. Digital Patterns – Which Are Better?

Fashion is a very old-school industry. At the same time, companies are adopting technology within their design, development, and production processes – including patternmaking – more and more. This transition to digital has brought up the question whether traditional paper patterns or digital ones are better. Here’s my take.