Archives: Patternmaking category

How To Draft Patterns for Stretch Materials: Patternmaking (pt. 2)

Once you’ve selected your stretch materials and planned the fit of the garment, it is time to start drafting your pattern. The pattern harnesses the stretch properties of your fabric to shape the fit and hug and support the wearer in all the right places. It is at this stage that creative design gets technical.

7 Ways Your Pattern Needs To Be Drafted To Move

Think about your favorite pieces of clothing. They probably are the ones that don’t hold you back from any of the activities throughout your day. This is why drafting patterns and fit testing for movement is so crucial. Here are seven ways that the pattern and resulting garment need to move.

Types of Fabric Shrinkage and How To Manage Them

You don’t want any unwanted surprises in production and your customer doesn’t want any unwanted surprises the first time they pull the garment out of the clean laundry basket. To know what shrinkage to expect and how to manage it in production and beyond, testing your fabrics for the different types of shrinkage is essential.