
The Question I Ask Every Factory: What Do You Specialize In?

Whether I’m meeting a new factory at a trade show or interviewing a factory for a client project, the one question that I always ask is ”What do you specialize in?” How they answer tells me what type of work I should send them and whether I want to work with them at all.

Does the Sample Fit?

Fit is a big factor in the success of a garment. During the product development process, you can tweak your design to make sure the fit is perfect before it hits the sales floor. How do you know if the sample fits? I think there are three elements of good fit – size, shape, and movement.

How Fabric Choice Affects Your Design

You’d be surprised how different the same design can be in different fabrics. I know this, and it still surprises me sometimes. The fabric has a big effect on the final garment. It dictates not only the look but also the fit and technical construction. Let’s look at how fabric affects each of these areas.