
How To Write Point Of Measure (POM) Tolerances

Tolerances control what variance from the spec measurement is acceptable. Writing proper tolerances is a balance between controlling product quality and having realistic expectations for a production environment. Each POM gets its own tolerance, so how do you get that balance right for each one? These are the factors to consider when writing POM tolerances.

How To Make A Size Chart For Your Fashion Brand Website

Without a good size chart, your customers will be confused and disappointed – and your return rates will show it. If you don’t have a size chart (or your current one isn’t working to help your customers find their best size), read on for a step-by-step guide to making a size chart for your fashion brand.

This Is (7 years of) Slow Business

The block that I live on is full of old trees. This block must have looked quite different 87 years ago when these houses were first built and the trees were newly planted. Growing trees like this is slow business. In many ways, this is what I want my business to be – a slow business.