Getting sharper and getting duller

I just got my fabric scissors sharpened and, I’m not going to lie, it feels like kind of a big deal. I can use the whole blade, they don’t squeak with each cut, and my hands are already thanking me for saving them from a blister. I should have got them sharpened sooner.

They got dull so gradually that I didn’t realize how dull they were until they were sharp again. After using them for a few minutes here, or a few hours there multiple times a week, they had gotten so dull that half the blade wouldn’t even cut through fabric anymore.

Things like scissors get more dull with use and need maintenance. Many tools are like this.

Skills, however, are the opposite. The more you use them, the sharper they get. It is NOT using them frequently enough that makes them go dull. I feel this when I haven’t worked in a software program for a while and then it takes me a bit to remember the shortcuts. I’m also conscious of this with my writing. If I take too long of a break, it is harder to get back into the habit.

Are there any tools in your business that have gotten dull and need sharpening to be their best?

And, what skill are you sharpening at the moment?

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