How to know if your tech pack is complete

A question I commonly get asked is “How do I know if my tech pack is complete?” It makes sense that there is some confusion about this as each product is unique t and each tech pack template you mind find online is slightly different.

Every tech pack should have these sections:

  • Cover page with flat sketches and key data
  • Bill of materials
  • Construction callouts on tech sketches
  • Label placement
  • Colorways
  • Graded spec chart with points of measure diagrams
  • Proto comment pages

Tech packs often include these sections as well, where applicable, though sometimes these are split into their own documents:

  • Artwork specs and placement
  • Packaging
  • Pattern card/cutter’s must
  • Sewing order of operations
  • Costing sheet

Within each section, though, how do you know your tech pack has enough detail? You’ll know you have enough detail when someone who has never seen the finished product can – without asking you any questions – gather all the materials needed for the style, know what stitch and seam type to use for each seam of the garment, assemble to right combination of colors and components, and double check their work by measuring the garment against the spec sheet.

Does your tech pack provide enough information for someone to do this? If so, your tech pack is complete. If not, you need to add more information, instructions, or another sketch or reference photo to clarify any areas that are too vague.

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