This is what software I use

When talking to designers, brands, and other patternmakers, I often get asked what software I use. Technology has firmly made its way into even the old-school industry of fashion and we are all looking for ways to improve our work and create less waste throughout the development process. Over the years I’ve added new software to my workflow.

Here is the current software I use in my work:

  • Optitex for pattern drafting, grading, and marker-making
  • Clo3D for digital fitting
  • Alvanon virtual forms for digital fitting
  • IMA digitpen for digitizing
  • Adobe Illustrator for flat and tech sketches
  • Microsoft Excel for tech packs
  • Zoom for physical garment fittings

What software do you (or your factory) use?

Have questions about patternmaking software or file formats? Hit reply and ask.

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