The metrics you track and pay attention to will both indicate your goal and help you get closer to it. Tracking metrics is basically the way you gather data to answer your questions in your business. Pick the right questions and get answers that move your business forward.
There are so many things you could track in your business from website traffic, click-through rate, Instagram followers, return rates, average order value, to the number of positive customer reviews and much more. The amount of data available can be overwhelming, but in my opinion, most of it doesn’t matter – or at least doesn’t matter as much as we think it does.
What matters is being clear on your version of success and deciding what questions you need answered to get you there. The next step is then choosing what metrics best answer those questions and indicate that success. Those are the ones to pay attention to. The others are just vanity metrics or a distraction from your goal.
Are the questions you are asking and the metrics you are tracking aligned with your goals? If not, you might be answering the wrong questions.
What are the top metrics you track in your business?