If you could ask other fashion business owners any question – even one that you might think is too personal, taboo, or forward – what would it be?
I’ve been fascinated by the power of questions recently. Questions can start a conversation. Questions can explore something new. Questions can find answers. Like with an onion, the deeper you go with questions, the more layers you’ll find.
As you peel back the layers of a topic, the better questions you ask, the better answers you’ll get. I’ve been reflecting on this and how I can ask better questions in my work and business.
What better questions can I ask during an introduction call to identify the best-fit brands?
What better questions can I ask you on this newsletter to spark conversations that move your business forward?
What better questions can I ask How Fitting podcast guests to highlight their unique approach to fit, but also share their relatable journey?
I’m going to be trying out some new – hopefully even better – questions on upcoming podcast interviews, but I’d love to know if you have any questions you’d like me to ask.
So, hit reply and ask those burning questions. (I’ll keep questions anonymous so please ask the questions you’ve been secretly dying to know, but didn’t know where or who to ask.)