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How to Cost Your Apparel Products

You’ll need to consider the cost to make your designs and set prices that will make you a profit. Costing apparel products can seem like a moving target, but there are some formulas you can use to calculate costs and prices so you can make informed money decisions.

What to Check on a Factory Sample

There it is: your design! It looks just how you envisioned it. You need to evaluate the sample and approve it for production. Here are all the things you should check on your samples to make sure the production order doesn’t disappoint.

Does the Sample Fit?

Fit is a big factor in the success of a garment. During the product development process, you can tweak your design to make sure the fit is perfect before it hits the sales floor. How do you know if the sample fits? I think there are three elements of good fit – size, shape, and movement.