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The Future of On-Demand Production with Kirby Best of Bespoke Manufacturing Company

How Fitting: design a slow fashion business that fits
How Fitting: design a slow fashion business that fits
The Future of On-Demand Production with Kirby Best of Bespoke Manufacturing Company

In episode 86, Kirby Best, the CEO & President of the innovative on-demand factory Bespoke Manufacturing Company, talks about what on-demand production is and what it means for the future of fashion. Learn the pros and cons of an on-demand model and how to know if it is a good fit for your fashion business. […]

Types of Fabric Shrinkage and How To Manage Them

You don’t want any unwanted surprises in production and your customer doesn’t want any unwanted surprises the first time they pull the garment out of the clean laundry basket. To know what shrinkage to expect and how to manage it in production and beyond, testing your fabrics for the different types of shrinkage is essential.

Fashion Production Models Explained

Different production models can yield very different businesses, garments, customer experiences, and ethical and environmental impacts. Let’s look at a range of fashion production models and their pros and cons.

What It Means To Have Production-Ready Patterns

Have you ever heard the term “production pattern” and wondered what that really meant? There are actually clear differences between just any regular pattern and one that is production-ready. Plus, there and reasons why you don’t want to (and sometimes can’t) go into production with just any pattern.