The pattern card is a sheet that usually hangs with the paper pattern itself, but it is also nice to include as part of the style’s tech pack. The pattern card lists each pattern piece for the style along with how many of each is needed to make one garment. You can see it is split into sections by type of material. Note, this page doesn’t show all the materials needed like the BOM does. This page only shows pattern pieces that need to be cut out.
In addition to pattern pieces, this page has information about the style relating to the pattern or cutting. If this style is derivative of another style, that first style number is indicated to show that it was the block. Some materials need to be cut with all the pieces facing one direction (such as a velvet or directional print). If that is the case for this style, there should be a note saying which materials need to be cut specially that way.

For you as the designer, the pattern card can be used as a checklist to make sure you have all the needed pattern pieces for the style.
7:29 pm July 13, 2021Alison, Beautiful clean tech pack, especially like the seeing construction page. You mention stitch 401. Where does a designer go to find the exact name of the stitch so the industry knows which one you are referring to? Last question, do you do tech packs as well as patterns? You are multi talented! Sherri Picciano
Alison Hoenes
8:54 pm July 13, 2021Hi Sherri, Thank you! The seam and stitch codes are ASTM. You can find them multiple places, but a handy reference site where they can be found is Yes, I offer tech packs along with my patternmaking and grading services!